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Rowena 3180 supports St Mungo's

As Freemasons, we don't like to publicise our donations, but we do have a duty to raise awareness for charities that are important, should be supported more, as and when it is financially viable for us to do so.

St Mungo's is a charity that we endeavour to support whenever we can. Rough sleeping is on the rise. With increased pressures of the cost of living crisis, we need to prepare for this to continue. Our recent donation was gratefully received. The following poignant message really underlines the need for donations:

'A huge thank you from St Mungo’s


We want to thank your group for your generous donation of £X to support our vital services at St Mungo’s.


Your donations are helping to fund St Mungo’s work, including providing housing and supporting over 3,150 people on any one night who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Your support allows us to do so much more than just provide a roof – at St Mungo’s we know how important it is to also provide support to people. Our aim is to help every person we meet to recover and rebuild their lives.


St Mungo's is committed to enabling men and women recover from both the causes and consequences of homelessness. The number of people rough sleeping is on the rise, the cost of housing is increasing and support services continue to face funding cuts.


Without donations from supporters like yourself, we would not be able to carry out the wide range of services we run, or reach our ambitions to grow the number of people we can support, so thank you.


Thank you so much for helping us bring hope to people at risk of and experiencing homelessness. We hope to have your invaluable support in the future.'


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