Our December meeting is always a special one. This year however, it was even more special with a lecture on the First Degree Tracing Board by the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge no. 9263. This is not a lecture that you here very often and was a joy to behold. Our numbers were boosted by a contingent of visitors from the South West Area Tourists.
The Festive Board was all the more enjoyable thanks to the wonderful Christmas Carols which were beautifully played for us by a contingent of musicians from Bournemouth Concert Brass.
Christmas is a time to be with friends, reconnect with those we have not seen for a while and look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. At its core, Freemasonry is about charity and companionship. Our Christmas meeting gave all of us at Rowena a chance to catch up with old friends and also the opportunity to make new ones. We were fortunate to be joined by no fewer that 45 guests for this meeting.
If you are interested in becoming a Freemason and joining our Lodge, then please get in touch via the contact page or send us an email: secretary@rowena3180.org