Boscombe Youth Fiddle Orchestra is based in Boscombe and provides free violin tuition for local students aged 5 to 19. It is funded by Bournemouth Rotary, Thornton Trust & Soundstorm. Until the end of December, the orchestra operated under the umbrella of Coda Music Trust based in Walkford, but has now transferred to the Dorset Children's Foundation (DCF). The DCF, founded 11 years ago, supports children and young people with learning difficulties, and we believe that bringing the two organisations together will work well. The change of ownership has resulted in a change of name from 'Coda Fiddle Orchestra' to ‘Boscombe Youth Fiddle Orchestra (BYFO)'.
The orchestra is approximately 40 strong with 25 of these receiving free tuition and the loan of a violin. The standard being achieved is quite remarkable with many progressing to Violin Grade 8 standard and beyond with some students moving onto music college to study violin.
The orchestra rehearses during term times on Saturdays in groups of no more than fifteen, and unlike other orchestras, parents are allowed to sit in. It performs annually at the Bournemouth Music Competition Festival in March when it is expected to pick up many of the ensemble prizes.
Rowena 3180 recognises the valuable work carried out by all of those involved in the orchestra and donates financially on a yearly basis.