History of Rowena Lodge
During the opening years of the last century, the growth in Freemasonry in Bournemouth was on the increase, and more particularly in the Boscombe portion of the borough. This necessitated the formation of a new Lodge, which was first considered at a meeting held on the 7th March 1906, attended by Wor.Bro. W.J. Street, I.P.M Horsa Lodge 2203, who took the Chair, Wor.Bro. Percy Beer, P.M. Hastings 2692, P.P.G.R. (Sussex); Wor.Bro. W.J. Parsons, I.P.M. Unity Wareham 386, Bro. F. Parsons, M.M. Hengist 195; Bro. R. S. Parsons, M.M. Hengist; Bro. R. A. Pike, J.W. Unity Wareham 386; Bro. P. P. Swaffiels, M.M. Unity Wareham 386, and Bro. J. Eason Webster, M.M. Hengist 195.
At first it was proposed that the name should be 'Twynham', the original name of Christchurch. The Town Clerk of Christchurch, however stated that the mayor and others felt they could not give their sanction as there was ''every possibility that at some future time a Lodge would be started at Christchurch when they would be glad to use the name and the Borough seal themselves''; (the probability' which these civic authorities of Christchurch foresaw materlialised in the year 1943 when Twynham Lodge No. 5889 was consecrated). Finally it was agreed that the name of the new Lodge would be ''Rowena''.
The name Rowena was suggested by some of the elder brethren at Bournemouth, who expressed the hope that the new Lodge would be called after the daughter of Hengist. Tradition relates that in the year 449A.D., Vortigern, the British King of Kent, was engaged with the Picts and the Scots who were invading Britain. Hengist and Horsa, two Jutish chieftains, landed in the Isle of Thanet. Vortigern is supposed to have invited them to become his allies in fighting the Picts and Scots, in consequence of which they made a feast to which Vortigern was invited. At this banquet as was the custom, Rowena, the beautiful daughter of Hengist, offered Vortigern a golden goblet of wine, saying in Saxon ''Health to thee my Lord King''. We understand according to English History, that Vortigern married Rowena, and that he died some three years after the death of Horsa, who was slain in one of the many battles between the Saxons and Britons.
The Coat of Arms was granted to the new Lodge by the College of Arms include the ''Flying White Horse of Kent'' bearing the golden goblet of wine, which Rowena is said to have offered to Vortigern at Hengist's banquet where they met.
The Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Service to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Consecration of Rowena Lodge was held at St. John's Church, Boscombe on Wednesday 19th September 1956 at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The service was conducted by the Rev. G. W. Page, R.N. Retd, P. G. Chaplain, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who gave the address. There was a good attendance of Masonic brethren amongst whom were the then Provincial Grand Master, Right Wor.Bro. W. Attenborough, M. B., B.S., the Provincial Grand Treasurer, W.Bro. A. E. Madgewick, P.A.G.D.C., the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. C. J. H. Jones, P.G.D, and several Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, together with Masters of Local Lodges and Officers and Brethren of Rowena Lodge.
After the service the brethren returned to the Masonic Hall, Adeline Road, for the Golden Jubilee Meeting at which the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, with several Provincial Grand Lodge Officers were present.
The appropriateness of the Thanksgiving Service being held in St. John's Church, Boscombe was very significant, for in the year 1893 on St. John the Evangelist's Day the 27th of December, the foundation stone of this Church was laid by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W. W. B. Beach, M.P., with Masonic ceremony, in the presence of a large assemblage of Masonic brethren representing almost every part of the Province. Then on August 29th 1906, a service was held prior to the Consecration of this Lodge, and fifty years later, on the 19th September 1956, a Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving service was well attended as an act of thanksgiving.
The Centenary Meeting to commemorate one hundred years of the consecration of Rowena Lodge was held at Freemasons Hall, Boscombe on Wednesday 20th September 2006 at 4;30pm.
The meeting was conducted by the then Worshipful Master of the Lodge W.Bro. J. Theobold. The Deputy Grand Chaplain W.Bro. Rev. D. F. Jones A.G.Chap conducted a Service of Thanksgiving as part of the meeting. In atendance was the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. B. C. Bellinger, and several Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, and Officers and Brethren of Rowena Lodge.